- May 2, 2008: Workshop Proposals due
- July 3, 2008: Notification of acceptance
- July 18, 2008: Revised 150 word Workshop Abstract for web
- September 19, 2008: Suggested deadline for workshop position papers
- October 3, 2008: Final version of 2-page Workshop Program for Supplemental Proceedings (optional)
Submissions: workshops@cscw2008.org
Workshops provide an opportunity to discuss and explore emerging areas of CSCW research with a group of like-minded researchers and practitioners from industry and academia. Workshops may focus on any aspect of CSCW theory or practice, established concerns or new ideas. However, radical new ideas expected to draw a sufficient number of participants are very much encouraged! The goal of a workshop is to share understandings and experiences, to foster research communities, to learn from each other and to envision future directions. For a sample of workshop topics from the last conference, please look at the CSCW 2006 Workshop Program.
Workshop proposals should consist of an abstract and a detailed proposal. The abstract should be no more than 150 words. The body of the proposal should be no more than 3000 words, and should include a description of the theme(s) of the workshop, the workshop activities and goals, the duration of the workshop (one or two full days), the background of the organizer(s), the maximum number of participants, and the means of recruiting and selecting participants.
Workshops are intended as small group discussions. Therefore, they receive minimal technology support which is reflected in the low fee for workshops. Organizers should plan to bring their own equipment (e.g., projector and laptops) and will be responsible for the security of their own equipment. Workshops cover specific aspects of computer cooperative work that are too specialized for a large presentation, such as multi-player applications in online gaming software. We encourage workshop organizers to create web-based resources for their workshops so that advertising, submission and organization can be handled online.
Questions concerning workshop proposals should be directed to the CSCW 2008 Workshop Co-Chairs via email: workshops@cscw2008.org.
Workshop proposals should be e-mailed to the Workshop Co-Chairs at workshops@cscw2008.org by 5:00pm (17:00) Pacific Time on Friday, May 2, 2008. Submissions will be acknowledged via email.
Accepted workshops will need to provide a short description of the workshop for publication on the conference web site containing the workshop title, names and affiliations of organizers, 150-word abstract, conference web site, and position paper submission or other participation requirements. The due date for the web description is listed at the top of this page.
Accepted workshops may optionally provide a 2-page Workshop Program for printing in the conference supplemental proceedings. The program can be of any format and content the organizer's choose such as the workshop title, 150-word abstract, objectives, participant names and schedule. The due date for the Workshop Program is listed at the top of this page.
The conference's papers and videos are available at the ACM Digital Library. Thank you to all of you who participated in the call instructions, posters and demos, as well as the doctorale colloquiums.
Coming Dates:
11/02/12: CSCW2013 will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA on February 23-27.
03/12/12: Marietta L. Baba Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University made her closing remarks and CSCW2013 is the next conference, details will follow shortly.
08/05/11: CSCW2012 will be held on February 11-15 in Seatle, Washington; this is the fifthteen CSCW conference taking place in one of the hubs of American technology on the West Coast.
12/15/10: CSCW2011 was held on March 19-23 on the edge of West Lake, the 1st time the conference is held outside of North America
11/17/09: Registration and hotel reservations to CSCW2010 available
10/18/09: Three panels added to CSCW2010's advance program
07/03/09: Notification date for Papers, Notes, Panels and Workshops for CSCW2010
5/18/09: Doctoral Colloquium, Interactive Posters, Demons- tration and Videos Submission
03/22/09: Notification date for other venues
11/22/08: CSCW 2010 has started their website
11/13/08: CSCW 2008 was a success with record attendance