Interactive Posters
- July 18, 2008: Submissions due
- August 22, 2008: Notification of acceptance
- September 5, 2008: Final versions due
CSCW 2008 will include an interactive poster category for late-breaking and preliminary results, smaller results not suitable for a full or short paper, innovative ideas not yet validated through user studies, early student research, and other research best presented in an interactive forum.
Posters will be presented in a special Poster Session where researchers will interact directly with conference attendees. The posters will then remain up throughout the remainder of the conference.
Accepted Interactive Poster abstracts will be published in the Conference Supplement that will be circulated to attendees at registration. Poster abstracts will not be incorporated into the main CSCW 2008 Conference Proceedings.
Interactive Poster Submission Requirements
Interactive Poster submissions should include an extended abstract no longer than 2 pages, including all figures and references. The submission must be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template. In addition, submissions should also include a separate Tabloid sized draft of the poster for review purposes. A Tabloid is an 11 x 17 inches format.
Interactive poster abstract submissions should be e-mailed to the Interactive Poster Co-Chairs at posters@cscw2008.org. All submissions must be received by the chairs by 11:00pm (23:00) Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on Friday, July 18, 2008. Submissions received after this date/time will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email.
All questions should be directed to posters@cscw2008.org
Interactive Poster Abstract Authoring Tips
The following tips may help you prepare a successful Poster abstract:
- State the contribution and originality of your work clearly and explicitly: What is the problem? How does your approach help? Why is it better than other available approaches?
- Interactive posters abstracts may be chosen based on either the significance of the problem or the originality of your approach.
- Focus on the contribution of your work rather than the background, including just enough background to make clear how your work differs from significant prior research.
- Include the major graphical elements that will likely be used in the poster itself.
For the poster itself, the UIST Poster Example Gallery includes a variety of successful poster designs. More poster guides can be found all over the web.
Many interesting and relevant posters were presented. Among them, one poster reviewed the relevant academic literature about gambling advertising and concluded that no reliable estimates of the extent of problem gambling exist. It is presumed that gambling advertising add to the online poker problem gambling, but with a smaller impact than other influential effects. The poster examined available methods for measuring this impact on online poker players, but it is hard at this stage to find available data to support this project, as some gaming companies refused to share their proprietary data, due to the controversial nature of gambling advertising. Human beings in social interactions share symbols and values, including amid online gambling venues. The social intereations within the bounded online poker communities develop specific beliefs and traditions. Another poster studied the social interactions and cultural meanings that structure online poker players' experiences in order to build a theory of the cultural realm established by gambling, when gambling becomes the core of a Web activity for the members of the group.
The conference's papers and videos are available at the ACM Digital Library. Thank you to all of you who participated in the call instructions, posters and demos, as well as the keynote speakers.
Coming Dates:
11/02/12: CSCW2013 will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA on February 23-27.
03/12/12: Marietta L. Baba Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University made her closing remarks and CSCW2013 is the next conference, details will follow shortly.
08/05/11: CSCW2012 will be held on February 11-15 in Seatle, Washington; this is the fifthteen CSCW conference taking place in one of the hubs of American technology on the West Coast.
12/15/10: CSCW2011 was held on March 19-23 on the edge of West Lake, the 1st time the conference is held outside of North America
11/17/09: Registration and hotel reservations to CSCW2010 available
10/18/09: Three panels added to CSCW2010's advance program
07/03/09: Notification date for Papers, Notes, Panels and Workshops for CSCW2010
5/18/09: Doctoral Colloquium, Interactive Posters, Demons- tration and Videos Submission
03/22/09: Notification date for other venues
11/22/08: CSCW 2010 has started their website
11/13/08: CSCW 2008 was a success with record attendance