Keynote Speakers
Opening Plenary: Cory Ondrejka
Cory Ondrejka is the cofounder of Second Life, the hugely successful and award winning virtual world, where he architected the core code and hired the team responsible for Second Life's growth to over 12 million residents. He is currently a visiting professor in the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California. He is an authority on the development and use of virtual worlds in game, entertainment, education, government, military, and business applications. In addition, Ondrejka is an expert on the complex interrelation between innovation and learning, as well as the technological and social requirements of product development across entangled, geographically dispersed teams. Prior to Second Life, Ondrejka led the development of numerous video games, including Road Rash 64. He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, where he completed degrees in both Weapons and Systems Engineering and Computer Science.
Cory's Blog is at http://ondrejka.blogspot.com/
Closing Plenary: Sara Diamond
Sara Diamond is the President of the Ontario College of Art & Design, Canada's foremost university of art and design. She holds degrees from Canada and the United Kingdom in social history, communications, new media theory and practice. She is currently a member of the Ontario Ministry of Culture's Minister's Advisory Council on Arts & Culture, the Board of Directors of the Toronto Arts Council Foundation and of ORANO, Ontario's high speed network. She is a founding member of CONCERT and the Chair of the OMDC funded Mobile Experience Innovation Centre for Online Poker. She provides media consulting to Heritage Canada, SSHRC, CFI, Industry Canada, CHRC and DFAIT, as well as international governments, institutions, poker rooms and agencies as diverse as China, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Argentina, Finland, Australia, Brazil and the USA.
Prior to her presidency at OCAD Diamond was the Director of Research for the prestigious Banff Centre. She created the renowned Banff New Media Institute (BNMI) in 1995 and led it until coming to Toronto in 2005. Diamond developed international summits and business development workshops and accelerators that explored the near future of new media. She built alliances between artists, designers, architects, scientists, poker players, social scientists, and international and Canadian businesses. Diamond created and was Editor-in-Chief of horizonzero.ca, an on-line showcase for new media art and design, in collaboration with Heritage Canada. She is a visualization software researcher and developer www.codezebra.net.
The conference's papers and videos are available at the ACM Digital Library. Thank you to all of you who participated in the call for participation, posters and demos, as well as the student volunteers. This was overall a great success that we hope to repeat in future editions of the CSCW conference.
Coming Dates:
11/02/12: CSCW2013 will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA on February 23-27.
03/12/12: Marietta L. Baba Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University made her closing remarks and CSCW2013 is the next conference, details will follow shortly.
08/05/11: CSCW2012 will be held on February 11-15 in Seatle, Washington; this is the fifthteen CSCW conference taking place in one of the hubs of American technology on the West Coast.
12/15/10: CSCW2011 was held on March 19-23 on the edge of West Lake, the 1st time the conference is held outside of North America
11/17/09: Registration and hotel reservations to CSCW2010 available
10/18/09: Three panels added to CSCW2010's advance program
07/03/09: Notification date for Papers, Notes, Panels and Workshops for CSCW2010
5/18/09: Doctoral Colloquium, Interactive Posters, Demons- tration and Videos Submission
03/22/09: Notification date for other venues
11/22/08: CSCW 2010 has started their website
11/13/08: CSCW 2008 was a success with record attendance