
Submission Categories

CSCW 2008 demonstrations present implementations of new CSCW systems and concepts. The peer-reviewed demonstrations allow conference participants to view novel and noteworthy CSCW systems in action, discuss the systems with those who created them, and try them out. Appropriate demonstrations include applications, technologies, and research prototypes. Demonstrations can also serve to showcase novel commercial products not previously described in the research literature. Demonstrations should be interactive and provide attendees a hands-on experience. The demo forum is not an opportunity for marketing or sales presentations. Presenters must have been directly involved with the development of the system and be able to explain the unique and novel contributions of the system. There are different types of demos: reception demos and integrated demos.

Reception Demos will be shown during a special demo reception. These demonstrations will be spaced around a large room, and will run concurrently during the block of time set aside for demonstrations. Attendees will be free to explore the room and visit demos of interest. This promotes informal interaction and in-depth information exchange among demo presenters and attendees. A demo presentation should be brief so that it can be shown repeatedly to many attendees.

Integrated Demos are new to CSCW 2008. These are demos that will run throughout the conference, and which in some way might enhance the conference experience for attendees. Examples of systems appropriate for presentation as an integrated demo might be systems that enable social networking, or systems that enable reflection on conference presentations. Because integrated demos will run throughout the conference, such demos must meet high standards of robustness. Although preparing, deploying, and supporting an integrated demo will require a large commitment of time and effort, it will also provide the presenter with a unique opportunity to gather data about the use of their CSCW system in a structured environment with a diverse user population. If you intend to gather data about the use of your integrated demo, you are responsible for obtaining the approval of any Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or Human Subjects' panels at your home institution, and will need to provide any required permission/disclosure forms for attendees to sign. Regardless of whether or not your institution has an IRB, you must read the ACM's Code of Ethics and be sure your data collection adheres to those guidelines.

Submission Materials

Demonstration submission consists of two required components, both due on July 18, 2008, at 5 p.m. Pacific Time: (1) a two-page extended abstract, and (2) a two-page demo system summary.

  1. (1) The extended abstract is a two page description of the project goal or research problem, contribution, and value to CSCW attendees. The extended abstract details the kind(s) of cooperative work the demonstration is intended to support, the noteworthy and distinguishing ideas or approaches it embodies, and a brief description of the system that will actually be demoed. The extended abstract should be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings Template and submitted in PDF format. The extended abstracts will be published in a booklet that will be circulated to attendees at the conference; they will not, however, be incorporated into the main CSCW 2008 conference proceedings. One example of a demo is a champion level poker agent computing a Nash Equilibrium as a projection of a poker game, resulting in a strategy that can be used in real full games against human agents. In some cases of complex games, the translation process becomes more complicated than in the fixed limit version of the game. The demo examines how the current method can lead to exploitable agents and introduces a new probabilistic model, that produces a more robust player using an adaptive methodology. Switching between strategies with various underlying abstractions affects the efficiency of the agent. The demo involves both a theoretical presentation of the Nash equilibrium model applied to a poker game, and an interactive gaming demo between the program and a human poker player. The emphasis is on modeling the social equilibrium of the agents.
  2. (2) The demo system summary is a two page description of the demo and the required setup. It provides information about the presenter(s), including their relationship to the project. It also provides a detailed description of needed space, equipment support, Internet connectivity, and any other related requirements. This document should clearly state whether the demo is intended as a reception or integrated demo. If the demo is being submitted as an integrated demo, please also describe in detail the logistics of how the conference attendees will get access to and interact with the system throughout the conference, and what added value attendees will receive from this special style of presentation. If you plan to gather data about attendees interactions with the system, please describe what data you plan to gather, and an example of the release form that you would ask attendees to sign. If the demo is accepted, proof of final IRB approval must be submitted by October 15th (if your home institution has an IRB). CSCW can provide a "letter of cooperation" to assist with your IRB application, if needed. If your institution does not require IRB approval, a letter stating so from the demo presenters must be submitted instead.

Optionally, the demo submission can be supported by a short Video Figure. The video should be at most two minutes long and 30 MB in size. See the Videos CFP for more information.

Demo submissions (extended abstracts, system summaries, and optional videos) should be e-mailed to the Demonstrations Co-Chairs at All submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday, July 18th, 2008. Submissions received after this date will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Please direct all questions regarding the demo submissions to

Looking forward to seeing you in San Diego!
Merrie and Mark

The conference's papers and videos are available at the ACM Digital Library. Thank you to all of you who participated in the call for participation, posters, doctoral colloquiums, as well as the keynote speakers.


Coming Dates:

11/02/12: CSCW2013 will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA on February 23-27.

03/12/12: Marietta L. Baba Professor of Anthropology at Michigan State University made her closing remarks and CSCW2013 is the next conference, details will follow shortly.

08/05/11: CSCW2012 will be held on February 11-15 in Seatle, Washington; this is the fifthteen CSCW conference taking place in one of the hubs of American technology on the West Coast.

12/15/10: CSCW2011 was held on March 19-23 on the edge of West Lake, the 1st time the conference is held outside of North America

11/17/09: Registration and hotel reservations to CSCW2010 available

10/18/09: Three panels added to CSCW2010's advance program

07/03/09: Notification date for Papers, Notes, Panels and Workshops for CSCW2010

5/18/09: Doctoral Colloquium, Interactive Posters, Demons-
tration and Videos Submission

03/22/09: Notification date for other venues

11/22/08: CSCW 2010 has started their website

11/13/08: CSCW 2008 was a success with record attendance


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